Legend Biography

Paul Meeks
Creator of API Tree Stands
Sponsors: Coming Soon
Paul Meeks
Born March 1, 1945, Arkadelphia, Arkansas
Wife, Melonie
Children-Todd, Ilar Paul, Jodie and Jennifer
Civic Activities
Coached Dixie League Baseball for 8 years
Active speaker for Christian outdoor events (Wild Game Banquets) across US
Board of Directors---Christian Bowhunters of America--Retired
Board of Directors—Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship--Retired
Retired Board of Directors-Cross Keys Bank, St. Joseph, LA 19 years served.
Past President-Tallulah Elementary School PTA
Retired Commissioner-LA Fifth District Levee Board—served 23 years
Rotary Club
Chamber of Commerce
Church Activities
Deacon and Board of Trustees-First Baptist Church, Tallulah, LA 1087-2018
Sunday School Teacher---1987 to 2018
Chairman, Finance Committee, FBC Tallulah, LA. 1988-2018
Member, Gideons Int’l since 1987
Linville High School, Linville, LA 1963
Bachelor of Science, Business Mgt and Mktg, University of LA Monroe, 1969
Work Experience
1971-1978 Asst Supt-Admin. Services, State Farm Insurance
1978-1986 President/Owner Amacker Products, Inc.
1987-1999 President/Owner API Outdoors, Inc.
1999-2003 President, API Outdoors
2003-2019 President/Owner Great Day, Inc.
2003-2015 Consultant-Bass Pro Shops-API Brand
Military Service
US Air Force-1969-1971
Special Awards
2003 Republican National Committee Businessman of the year
2007 Louisiana Economic Development Businessman of the year
Inducted into Treestand Hall Of Fame in 2010
Industry Activities
Charter member of Treestand Manufacturers Assn. Served on the Board of Directors 1995-2017
Archery Trade Association Board of Directors—8 years
Sponsor of the 1992 NRA Liberty Regiment
National Sponsor of the NWTF
Charter member the SHOT Show